Collective Bikes presents 'Swerve Sunday' part two this weekend with Ryan Taylor and a group of amazing, talented bike life kids and “Doora”. This time there is the challenge to swerve the door “Doora” without hitting the door. The difficult part on this swerve Sunday is, that the riders just have 10 minutes to challenge the competition. The one who is riding his bike the closest to the door wins this challenge. They put some spikes on the door to make the challenge a little bit more difficult and dangerous for the riders.


Unfortunately there was a football game on this evening and some fans had to go directly through the tunnel where Ryan Taylor and the kids were riding there bikes. They got 10 minutes for the whole competition, so the time was a challenge for everybody. Despite the short time they had a lot of fun and a good time together with Ryan Taylor, showing which talented tricks they are able to do. The kids showed how close they could ride their bikes to the door without touching the door.


Because of the football game and the fans they had to take a break before they could continue the competition. 10 minutes of talented bike riders and tricks. At the end they needed to figure out a winner, so they put the gas bulb on the door again. Wheelie Kay was shredding up the challenge on his Orange Collective Bikes C100 by Jake100. Comment now on the Collective Bikes YouTube Channel what should be next swerve Sunday on the door to challenge the riders and their bikes!




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